Racialisation and Racism – Pillars or Perversions of the Law? (The Caribbean Law Review, Volume 20: Issue 1 (2022)) (Call for Papers) Termin Details Datum: 31. März 2021 Ort: Online Themengebiete: Recht interdisziplinär Veranstaltungsformat: Calls, Sonstiges 31.3.2021 (Frist für Einreichungen: 31.3.2021) https://www.afronomicslaw.org/category/news-and-events/call-papers-caribbean-law-review-volume-20-issue-1-2022-theme iCal-Export 0 0 ViFa-Recht ViFa-Recht2021-03-11 18:13:152021-03-11 18:13:15Racialisation and Racism – Pillars or Perversions of the Law? (The Caribbean Law Review, Volume 20: Issue 1 (2022)) (Call for Papers)